Using Words To Motivate and Inspire

Welcome back to another Monday!

I just spent the weekend in Philly for a wedding and am still recovering from all the warm fuzzies weddings bring. I’m one of those girls that loves weddings and yes I do cry, even when I don’t know the couple. I’ll share some snaps later, or you can always check me out on Insta where I shared a few.

For today’s Blogtember prompt, it’s all about quotes. I’m your typical blogger so of course I love quotes. I write them in my journal, I collect them in my planner, I say them to myself as pep talks, and say them to others when they need it.

As a writer (that’s still weird to say) I of course dream of writing elegant and inspiring words that others can quote. I usually only manage to get out a few slightly giggle-worthy jokes and the occasional punchline. Such is my cross to bear.

Strong enough quote

What really bothers me though, is when people use their words to hurt someone else. Perhaps they simply forget the power that their words can wield. Maybe they are just unaware of the impact a lone phrase can affect the psyche of a person.

[Tweet “Use your words to motivate and inspire, not judge.”]

If I could be there with the perfect quote or encouraging word for anyone who needs it, then my life mission would be complete. But I can’t. Which is why I want to spread the most positive message in this space as possible.

Strong I am quote

I have lots of favorite quotes, but the one above really resonates for a few reasons. One. no one knows exactly the path another person has walked to get where they are. Therefore, no one has all the facts to make a judgement on them. Two. Everyone else has their own struggles. Just because someone else’s struggle may be more visible than yours or is hard for you to understand, doesn’t make them less of a person.

Nothin boils my biscuits more than a close-minded, hate spewing, hypocritical jerk-face who inputs themselves in other people’s business. I just wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat it and be happy. A girl can dream.

So I challenge you all to spread more encouraging and motivational words. Send a card to someone far away. Write a note to someone close. Compliment a stranger, heck even SMILE at a stranger!

Let’s all do a little extra this week to make someone else feel awesome!

What is your favorite quote?

Plain Signature

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12 thoughts on “Using Words To Motivate and Inspire

  1. This is wonderful! I too, hate it when people use their words to hurt others. Nothing makes me more disappointed in human kind when people constantly use “backhanded compliments” or find any opportunity to get in a little dig.

  2. such a wonderful post love 🙂 thanks for sharing. i used to be such a judgey judgerson and now that i am a bit older, i always try to remember everyone has their own struggles and you just have no idea what it’s like for them.

    • Oh I still judge in my head don’t get me wrong, that’s just human nature. I just try not to let those judgments get out of hand and see everyone with clear eyes and try to understand their whole story not just the point I’m seeing them at.

  3. I like cake and I fully support you making one.
    So important to remember that everyone else has a life, too. Sometimes it gets so easy to focus on yourself and YOUR ups and downs… everyone else you meet has had ups and downs, too.

  4. This is awesome. Yes, its so important to choose to love rather than judge others since we have no idea what they’re going through and what battles they are fighting

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