Happy November + Challenge

Happy November Y’all!!! Can you believe it?  I feel like I’m still stuck in September!!

Anyway a new month brings on new goals and challenges.

GOAL !: I came across an amazing Challenge, very similar to 30miles in 30days.  Monica at Run Eat Repeat has a challenge that is totally do-able for everyone!  Basically you pledge a certain amount of miles for the month of November and check in weekly for a chance to win some great prizes! I pledged 60 miles, 70 hasn’t been happening so I have moved the bar a bit lower (this is not defeat! lol)


GOAL 2: I promise I have the Ragnar race recap coming soon.  For some reason grad school thinks it can dominate my life jeez 😉 I have signed up for my next race however.  The Trail That Can’t Be Concord in Knoxville.  How cool is this…it’s a prediction race!!  That means before the race starts you predict how long it will take you (6.8miles) and at the end whoever comes closest to their predicted time is the winner!!!  Oh and no one can wear a timing device of any kind….yea awesome, I just might stand a chance haha.


GOAL 3: A Turkey trot?  I haven’t done one since middle school and I wasn’t much of a fan back then 😦 I’m sure home is bound to have one in town.

GOAL 4: Be more consistent with my workouts. No explanation needed, just be better self!

GOAL 5: Finally change my laces!!  I definitely handed these bad boys out to my Ragnar team and I’m the last one to switch em out! Fail!!  A logical person would have changed them after taking this picture but nope, not me so it’s going on the to-do list lol.

Brooks + pink laces = PR's!! :D

Brooks + pink laces = PR’s!! 😀

Don’t forget to jump over to the Fitness Friday link-up to check out some other awesome Runners!

What are your goals for November?

“Happiness consists in activity…it is a running stream, and not a stagnant pool.”

-John M. Good


2 thoughts on “Happy November + Challenge

  1. Congrats on the pink laces! I’m going to head over to Eat Run Repeat and check out the miles pledge. It sounds like just what I need to stay fit through the holidays!

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