#SomethingBarros; Destination Wedding

Can we talk about the Bachelor first?

I mean I know I’m 2 days late but I just watched it last night and want to go on record that I thought it was pretty obvious that Lauren B was gonna win from the start. Also I think I’m the only person who isn’t stoked for JoJo to be the Bachelorette. Andi 2.0 anyone?

But who cares what I think. I hardly ever watch the Bachelorette anyway. Call me sexist…..Well actually don’t….

But on to more exciting news!

You guys…….

We have officially booked our wedding venue……

I am officially getting married…..

This just got infinitely more real……..

Destination Wedding

P.S. if you read my post yesterday you know that putting your hand in a picture instantly makes you successful. Or something like that….

Anyway, did anyone else freak out slightly after paying that deposit on their venue?

It can’t just be me. As someone who doesn’t spend money unless it’s life-threatening or absolutely necessary (yarn doesn’t count!), the actual act of paying a few thousand for a venue can really mess with your head. Well the deposit obviously wasn’t a few thousand but still.

I haven’t even thrown down for a new phone upgrade in three years so you know I’m not lying about my tight fists!

But, it’s done. We have our venue which means we have our date. What’s even the etiquette on disclosing your wedding date? Am I supposed to wait until I send out save the dates? Can I tell everyone before that?

Speaking of save the dates, do you send those to people that won’t be getting an invitation?

Wedding stuff is hard….

Back on topic though. Our venue. Technically you could say we’re having a destination wedding. It’ll be in North Carolina and in case you didn’t know I currently reside in Massachusetts. Why did I decide to have our wedding over 800 miles from where we live you ask? Good question, glad you asked.

It goes a little something like this.

One summer in 2011, a boy and girl met in the mountains of NC. Said boy and girl fell in love with each other and said mountains. Boy and girl get engaged and get frustrated with all the $$$ wedding venues in New England. Frustrated boy and girl start talking about eloping. Boy suggests a small wedding with only family and close friends in the very mountains they fell in love in. Girl is super impressed with boy’s level of insight put into wedding planning and loves him even more. The End.

Well not really the end because we haven’t actually gotten married yet. That’s still to come.

Now that we have a venue and date I can actually start looking into other vendors and whatnot. Doing it from afar will be interesting but that’ll be a post for another day.

What I’m excited about next is wedding dress shopping next month with my Mom and Bridesmaids down in Charlotte! This weekend trip is much needed.

So look forward to many more wedding posts now that I actually have a wedding to plan for!

Did you have a destination wedding? Care to tell me I’m not the only one who freaked out at the cost of things?

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How to Make Friends in Your 20’s

I have such a fun post for y’all today!

Remember Jess? You know, my uber cool friend who somehow still likes me despite my homebody grandma personality? She also wrote here before about Treating Your Self, which if you’re not doing already you need to start Immediately!

Also to answer the wedding questions, no we don’t have a date (but possibly our venue so it’s tbd very soon, eek!) also no I haven’t looked at dresses or caterers or wedding favors or anything else you want to ask me about. Wedding planning is awesome and fun but choosing is hard. First world problems yo….

Anyway, without further ado, take it away Jess!

How to make friends in 20s

Hey Everyone!
It’s been a while since I have written for Kelsey, and to be honest, she asked me to do this in August but I’m such a procrastinator that I didn’t get it done…hence the reason I will never be a real blogger. But anyways, since you’ve last heard from me (a year ago) I have gone from traveling job that had me hopping place to place, to permanent job at an amazing hospital in Seattle, WA. I could not be happier with my decision to land in this city, even with it being so far away from my New England home. Which is what brings us to today’s topic: tips for making new friends in your 20s and beyond.  This can be a hard thing to do, but it is possible, and hopefully this will help!

Disclaimer: I am an extrovert, and kind of pride myself on bringing introverts out of their shells when I can. So if you are an extrovert, these will be tips on how to work it, and for all you introverts, hopefully this will help you feel more comfortable out of your shell.

Focus on your interests

By the time you are 24, most people know what things they are interested in whether it be fitness, reading, outdoor adventures, board games, computer games, dancing, and general debauchery. You at least have an idea of what makes you happy and like to do. And if you like it, I can guarantee that there is someone else out there who likes those things too.  So do your research online, talk about the things you like to do with coworkers, if you see someone doing something you like, go talk to them (if they give you a weird look, who cares, you are just being friendly) Also, I highly recommend the website meetup.com for groups that get together to do said interests.

Say yes

This is my number one go to rule. It’s the most proven (personally at least) way to meet cool people and form amazing friendships. If you get an invitation that sounds interesting, just say yes. Whether it be an invite to a party full of people you may not know, out to a drink with someone you’ve only had a few conversations with before, or for a walk on a nice day (or in the rain too!) just say yes.
Simple right? ( the answer is YES!)

Be yourself

How do you expect to make authentic friendships if you aren’t being your authentic self? This is also a simple one.

Get out there!

Go! Out of your house! Grab someone and go somewhere, or go by yourself. Sit at the bar, eavesdrop and butt into interesting conversations (you know you are listening anyways). Go for a walk or run and stop to pet someone’s dog, social interaction is important. Even if these random encounters don’t go anywhere, they will get you more comfortable with talking to people, I’m looking at you introverts! Even if it’s out of your comfort zone, set a goal for even 1 time a week to get out of the house and do something social.

Use Connections

A friend of a friend could be your next BFF and you just don’t even know it yet. If there’s someone who you think you would hit it off with, don’t be afraid to use you connections, personal or digital, to reach out. I mean come on, I know you are Facebook and Instagram stalking them anyways.


Did you make a new friend that you want to make sure sticks around? Make dates, see each other, plan things, and then use each other to make even more awesome friends!

Give Zero Craps

Not to be rude here, which I am also not saying you should be, but seriously, the less you stress about what you are doing, or what you look like or are perceived as to other people, the easier it will be to complete any of the other steps. Know that you as you are right now, is an Awesome person, and go share that with the world. If you meet someone and they don’t see it, then it’s their loss.

So those are the general rules, I have been using these a lot recently, and have formed an amazing variety and strong groups of friends in Seattle, in just 7 months. So take the plunge, get yourself out there, and surround yourself with people as amazing as you!

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My Favorite Hashtag


As I was actually posting every day during my October Instagram Challenge last month, I came across my favorite hashtag…..

P.S. I also found out today when I looked that people are still using the #blondetober hashtag which I’m not sure is a compliment or they’re making fun of me? Whatevs, it’s fun to see everyones photos either way lol.

So, it wasn’t until I was posting every day of October (I’ve since backed off a bit, oops) that I realized just how big a mess my life really is by “world” standards. If a hashtag described my life, it’s this one….


And I mean it in the sense that it’s not true at all……

Read it as if it’s dripping with sarcasm…..big, fat drops of sarcasm…..

Favorite Hashtag

Let me explain…..

I’ve already written about Adult things I don’t understand and y’all assured me that at 26 I’ve got many, many years of not understanding ahead…..  #coolbeans

I also asked a few questions to make sure I wasn’t doing this whole thing wrong. Some said I wasn’t…others said I was… #OhWell

And can we talk about the fact that I like to use hashtags in daily conversation? I should reiterate that I’m 26, not 16…. #sorrynotsorry

Seriously, if it makes me laugh, I’m going to say it even in the middle of a staff meeting….. Well that one may have been one of those “time and place” kinda situations…..but it didn’t stop me….

So back to my favorite Hashtag.


[Tweet “I’ve found your new favorite hashtag! Join me in the revolution!! #adultingsohard”]

It applies to most situations in my life.

>> Like when I wore visible Hello Kitty tattoos to work for weeks on end….

>> Or that time that some Parents decided that I was old enough to teach their kids soccer…Did I mention that I’ve never played soccer before??

>> Or when I literally took 20 photos of the title photo in a store….

>> Have I mentioned my constant travel companion is a teddy bear? #noshame

>> How about on the weekends instead of showering I just toss a bandanna on my head?

Now, I do have a brand new adult job that requires office supplies and my own office with a lock and everything. I consider myself a pretty big deal now, but I always do that’s nothing new. But despite being the youngest one at the company (that’s FT anyway, we do have PT high schoolers that serve in the dining room) it’s my duty to step up my adulting game.

So that means….

….no more flower crowns ….at work anyway.

….no more PJ’s in the afternoons….except on casual Monday’s  (I don’t work on Mondays, duh)

….time to put away the dragon eggs….

….THIS face is not accetable for my work photo….

….my motto can no longer highlight fairy tale creatures…..

Ya get me?

I’m an adult now!

At least I’m trying……

I really am, I even told JB the other day that it’s finally time for us to grow up….kinda…mostly….a bit…..

So we’re gonna be real adults now and maybe actually kinda abit live an adult life…..

Here’s to trying anyway lol

What’s your favorite hashtag?

Will you join the #adultingsohard revolution with me?

Seriously, let’s all overtake the #adultingsohard feed!

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Winter Office Wardrobe Must Haves

**This is a sponsored post, however all opinions are my own**

Have I told y’all I finally got a full time gig?

I didn’t think so. I’m actually on my way to CT for a training seminar today. So yay me, I’m the official new Wellness Program Coordinator at an Independent Living Facility here in Mass.

The name says it all. I schedule and coordinate all programming in the community including outings, performances, clubs, groups, fitness classes, challenges, etc, etc….

There’s a knitting group (love), book club (double love), and all activities are over by 4pm….um my life…..Can we all say perfect job for me together?

So with this transition from working in mostly a gym setting to an office every day means I need to step up my wardrobe game….like big time.

Winter Office Wardrobe

Scarf (now $7) / Dress (under $10) / Boots/ Leg warmers (only $7!)

No more tights and gym shoes for me. Nope! I gotta trade in my dri-fit for silk and whatever the heck else real clothes are made of. Cotton?

I’m not starting completely from zero though, I’m not that much of a kid still….just mostly.

So once I knew I got the job, I started looking for more office attire. Without that first paycheck though, that means I’m shopping on fumes. As in my budget is pretty tight right now, but I still wanted a “congrats on your first day of an adult job” outfit.

Here’s where Sammy Dress comes in.

They have a ton of cute clothes with very affordable prices. Best part is that customers actually upload photos of themselves wearing the clothes so you can see how it looks on a real person!

I don’t know about you, but seeing anything on a model is gonna make it look cute, but what about someone who looks like me?

Now I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of dresses. Especially in the Fall/Winter. Toss on a dress over a pair of leggings, add boots and viola! Perfect and cute office attire.

Of course being the youngest person at work by 50 years doesn’t set the bar too high….


[Tweet “Need some winter office attire inspiration? Look no further!”]

Since it’s winter, a scarf is another must-have. It’s cold outside and sometimes warm in the office which means scarves are great layering pieces! And who doesn’t love scarves? I’m an addict. Some girls collect shoes or bags, I collect scarves like it’s my j.o.b. I also make a lot of scarves (high five for the knitters of the world!) so I have a constant supply to satisfy my need.

But now how do we make this super adorable outfit look professional and not just cute? Put a blazer on it!

At least that’s what I do. Check out a few of their blazers here.

I have yet to wear my brand new blazer to work yet, but I’ll let you know how it goes over in my office of two.

So those are my favorite office picks, now I wanna hear yours!

What is your favorite office attire?

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Small Town Fall Festival

Welcome to Wednesday Friends!

I finally got around to editing my photos from over the weekend. Not because I was too busy to do it of course. I only had a few episodes to go in the final season of Drop Dead Diva which of course took precedence over anything else in my life during my free-time. I’m what you can call a prioritization juggernaut.

Really the fact that I even have photos from that day is a victory. I usually either forget to take pictures, am too shy to ask anyone to take photos for me, or just plain forget my phone at home. It happens more often than I’d like to admit. I think my current record is having to turn back around three times for forgetting something. I’ve really got my ish together ya know?

Fall Festival

I was attempting to show you how awesome the solo cups I DIY’d into pumpkins looked on the trail but when the Sun was up you couldn’t really tell, as it got darker my photos turned out hazy like the one above and you still couldn’t tell, and once it got dark my phone couldn’t get a good photo. So this is what you’re left with…..

I am proud to report that I walked the haunted trail at least 7 times and was only scared for the first few. After that the kids knew when it was me and stopped trying to scare me. The final run through I filmed a few of the creepier scenes and got scared again but ya know, I’m alive and well so it all worked out 😀

So in case those last few sentences were confusing, or y’all just didn’t know, I’m still working a few hours a week at my local YMCA over some of their youth programs which includes the Teen Group aka Leaders Club. I’m the leader of the Leaders Club. So yea, Adulting.

I was also on the committee for the Festival, Though mostly because I had nothing else going on in my life at that point, not because I possess creative prowess. Oh and because there was free pizza at the meetings….thumbs up!

My portion didn’t happen until that night though so I convinced JB to come with me and invited his sister and family. We missed out on the hot air balloon rides by the time we got there but rumor had it that it was a bit too windy anyway so not many people go to do that.

I think the bets part was watching JB’s niece run around after the mascots. Here she is meeting one of her heros. No warm hugs were given though, she got scared as soon as Olaf got too close for comfort. Comfort levels are a bit different when you’re only  2 feet tall I guess. I wouldn’t know, I’ve always been at least 5 feet tall, just look at my awkward elementary school photos…..

Ty and Olaf

As obsessed as she is with Frozen (specifically Elsa), Elmo was probably her favorite. It took about 7 encounters before she would actually give him a high five and then two more for a hug, but when you spend an entire hour following him around, it wasn’t hard to “run” into him.

Also I don’t know if you can tell but she’s wearing an Elsa dress under her dinosaur hoodie. That kids got style and she’s already cooler than me.

She also went in a few of the bouncy houses and tossed some rings at the carnival games. At one point we (TY and I) challenged “Uncle” (JB) to a relay race and I thought I was gonna eat dirt after the dizzy bat portion. JB’s Brother in Law got it all on film but I have yet to see it so until I can, you don’t get that hilarious video of 6’5 JB racing 2ft tall Ty as I tip-toe behind her on the balance beam.

Our last stop was the pumpkin patch of course. Scratch that, Ty rode a pony and cried when she had to get off, but happy again when she got to pick out a pumpkin and leave with a goody bag. I think her dad was more excited though because he immediately pulled out a DumDum and ate it. That’s called Parenting done right.

Ty and Pumpkin

The pony ride definitely got the biggest grin you’ve ever seen. I think we all know what she’ll be asking for for the next decade of her life. You’re welcome for introducing that to her 😉

I did snap some “family” photos of everyone too but since she’s not my kid I don’t like sharing too much of her here. Judging from these photos, just the back of her head is. If you were to steal my phone and look through my picture roll you’d think she was my kid though. Or you’d think I was a creeper, which JB says I am so I’ll let you make up you own mind about what to call me.

I’m just gonna leave you with this photo that near about melted my heart to see….

JB and Ty

Seriously a kid and her Uncle may be the cutest thing ever, second only to a Dad and his little girl. specifically if that dad is my husband and the daughter is mine. I imagine that’s a pretty heart melt-y moment.

Have you been to a Fall Festival in your area yet?

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How to Beat Football Widowry

Have you ever heard of a Football Widow?

It’s a thing, and I assume it could apply to any sports season your S.O. is really into.

Anyway, a Football Widow is “someone who has to deal with the temporary death of her relationship during football games.” So says Urban Dictionary. And ladies, we’re only at Week 7, which takes us to about the half way point so let’s buckle down and figure out how we’re gonna make it through the playoffs together.

how to beat football widowry

Girls, you know the struggle I’m talking about. Trying to get your guy’s attention when there’s a football game on the screen. Competing for his eye contact when there’s a QB tossing a pigskin on in the background.

If you’re lucky his attention is only taken for one game. One shining team that has his heart and soul. One enigmatic team that takes up every one of his waking thoughts. One set of players that he knows their stats going back to when the entered the league. For me and mine that team is the New England Patriots. That means every Fall I’m in a relationship with JB and Tommy B himself. Although if I have to share JB with someone I suppose there are less good looking options out there…..probably not less dorky ones though….



JB sends these to me on the reg……I don’t care if you love him or hate him, Tom Brady is one dorky white guy on the top of his game. #hatersgonnahate

Back to the real issue at hand….

If you’re not quite as lucky, your football widow-ry isn’t limited to just one team. For most, football is football and it doesn’t matter who is playing, your man will be paying more attention to how many yards are run than your brunch plans for the two of you. It’s a sad truth. I really don’t know how men prioritize their thoughts, but food is never far from the forefront of mine.

Anyway, this dilemma can sometimes bring tension into a relationship. Fights, silent treatments, “woman bring me a sandwich” moments. If this sounds like you, then look no further to the answer to your problem.

How to Beat Football Widowry

>> 1 Make Snacks! This might sound like the most cliche option possible, however if you’re anything like me you actually LIKE making snacks. I honestly make it a contest with myself and try to one-up my previous snack from the week before. I judge myself based on how many compliments I get. JB and I usually spend Sunday afternoons with friends watching all the games so there’s plenty of people around to boost my ego. I thrive on being better than everyone else so it’s an easy win-win for me. *shoulder shrug* 😉

I tend to stick to more dessert-y treats, but one of my favorite snacks were some pumpkin spice pretzels. Basic but delicious.

Snacks not your thing? move on to #2!

>> 2 Try Playing Fantasy. This is the first year I’ve ever played Fantasy Football and it had single-handedly improved my relationship with JB. I’ll admit that I’m still your typical girl who knows not that much about football. Wait, I’ll amend that. I know about the Game of football, but don’t ask me to name players and list their stats. All of which is pretty integral to being successful at fantasy football. However, JB also plays Fantasy, so now instead of him just talking at me, I can join in the conversation and excitement of the game.

Plus it makes the games way more interesting if you’ve got a player fro your fantasy team playing, or an opponent you’re facing. Trust me on this one. Give yourself a reason to be invested in the game.

Hate sports? Move on to #3!

>> 3 Don’t Make Him Choose. If you don’t listen to anything else I say, pretty pretty please listen to this. Do. Not. Make. Him. Choose. Between. You. And. Football!!! Seriously, you’re setting yourself up for a fight and inevitable failure. I’m not saying your man doesn’t love you. And I’m certainly not saying that he loves football more than you. However, think of some hobby, or interest, or anything that is your favorite thing to do outside of your relationship. Now imagine that right in the middle of doing said thing, your guy wants to talk about football or power washing the driveway, anything you could care less about. How do you feel now?

Maybe I’m the only one and you’re better than me and don’t get all annoyed. Good for you June Cleaver. But the rest of us normal people should understand.

Make it easier on yourself and your inner rage-y feelings and just let him enjoy his football.

Decided to let him enjoy football but now you’re bored? #4 is for you friend!

>> 4 Make Your Own Plans. This is where you get your similarly minded ladies together to do your own thing. Go hiking, shopping, or thrifting. Bake some cookies (pumpkin of course), some muffins, or an stellar brunch spread. Whatever your jam, get your lady friends together and have some fun together.

If you find yourself short on the friends thing, get your “treat yo’ self on! Run your errands, read a book, give yourself a manicure, eat some chocolate, do anything that makes you happy! You are a strong, independent woman and you don’t need a man to make you happy. (Although I’m sure he’s awesome)

I will admit that #1 and #2 are my favorite things to do during football season, but I really do love football season. It’s all weekends, friends, hot drinks, yummy food, and lots of laughs. Sometimes heartbreaks when you lose for two straight week in a row in your fantasy league, but ya win some, ya lose some.

So what about you? Love football?

Are you a football widow?

How do you cope with the season?

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5 Things You MUST Do This Fall

Whoo! Welcome to October Friends!

October 5th, but still. It’s Fall and the weather has finally decided to cooperate around here. New England has the weirdest weather of anywhere I’ve ever lived. And seeing as how I’ve lived in all US geographic locations, I’m, somewhat of a weather expert…minus the expert part 😉

Anyway, since it’s fall and every other blogger on the planet will be compiling a Fall Bucket List, because we’re bloggers and it’s what we do, I’m throwing my list into the fray. What makes mine better than any other list you could possibly look at? Absolutely nothing! Seriously, all of these lists will be basically the same, something about leaves and pumpkins. Do me a favor and read mine anyway, if you comment I’ll send you an internet hug, and who doesn’t like hugs.

5 things to do this fall

1. Do something with Pumpkins. Drink em, eat em, pick em, take photos with em it doesn’t matter. Everyone knows Fall is the season of the pumpkin. Of course if you’re a communist and don’t like pumpkin then you can always substitute for apple. Just know if you do, you’re not really American AND your basic white girl card will be void.

2. Attend a Festival. Fall festival, food festival, beer festival, harvest festival, heck double points for a pumpkin festival! Go drink some cider, eat a donut, paint your face, ride the hay, play some games, toss the rings, win a prize, listen to the music, chuck the corn, pick the apples, kick the leaves, eat the food. Whatever your fancy there is a festival for you!

3. Drink hot beverages. Coffee, cider, hot chocolate, pick your poison and sip away. I prefer mine extra chocolate-y, heavy on the marshmallow, please and thank you 🙂

4. Host a Cookout/Dinner party. With the nice crisp weather comes perfect grillin weather. It doesn’t hurt that most sane people also love good food. (And if your friends don’t love to get together and eat than you need new friends.) Pair that with football, and you’ve got my favorite weekend activity! Of course only do this if you actually have the room for people over. I myself live in a studio apartment without even a couch so not really ideal to having anyone over….I take advantage of good friends who invite me over.

[Tweet “Looking for somethin to add to your Fall List? Here are 5 fun ideas!”]

5. Hike! Please for the love of everything holy in your life, do yourself and favor and get outside! Unless you live in Siberia (hey, hello!) nature is changing and you don’t want to miss it. Get off the internet, leave your car behind and get that booty moving outside. Besides think of all the awesome Insta content you can snap. The better to join my Instagram challenge with my dear.

So whatcha think? Have you done any of these things yet?

Better yet, how many Fall lists have you seen so far?

Tell me your favorite Fall activity!

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Month in Review: September

Is it bad that I just posted two monthly reviews in a row?

Oh well.

With all the new readers I’ve gained this month (hello!) I thought I do a little month in review. Not because you feel like you’re missin out, but because this is what bigger bloggers do and although I’ll never be one of those, I thought it’d be a nice review for me to see what September has brought.

Month in review

-I kicked off the month detailing all the things I still don’t understand as an Adult….26, why so confusing?

-I wallowed in self-pity for a bit about not having a full-time job yet. Y’all were amazingly supportive though so I quickly bounced back 🙂

-We all learned a thing of two about Google Analytics.

-I grew the balls to post my very first vlog.

-I also re-did my entire website diy style. Again, y’all were super supportive and emailed me about everything I’d done wrong. Hopefully it’s all bueno now 😀

-We compared our online and in real life selves. I think we can all agree that I’m the same basic chic here and there.

-I for some reason thought I was qualified to create an Instagram challenge for October. Not sure what possessed me but please join me. #pleaseandthankyou

-I shared 5 of my fave ladies. Y’all know I’m all about supporting others.

-I linked up with Allyson for what’s In and Out this Fall. (Hint, comparison is out!)

-Finally I recapped the books I’ve read in September. I stepped my reading game up and I’m back on track for hitting my 100 book goal for 2015.

Also don’t forget The Secret Blogger Club is coming back as a weekly linkup every Thursday (that’s tomorrow people)

What have you accomplished this month?

What are your goals for October?

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Celebrating Friends in Philly

Happy Monday Friends!

Y’all know I couldn’t attend a giant wedding bash in Philly last weekend and NOT write about it right?

If you follow me on Instagram then you’ve seen some of the snapshots of my weekend, but I figured I’d go a little more in depth on here because I’m an adult and I do what I want. Except all the stuff I can’t afford because I’m broke as a joke and have student loans up to my armpits (#ThanksObama)

So here ya go, if photo dump aren’t your thing, then I’ve sprinkled in a few tidbits here and there for ya 😉

The rehearsal dinner kicked off at a Brazillion steak house in the suburbs of Philly. The food was delicious. Since I didn’t know anyone but a total of 3 people I didn’t whip my phone out for any photos beyond the people kind. Again it was dark in there as well so you just get the dress and accessories in the car over. I posted this photo of my entire outfit on Instagram and Kohl’s asked to regram it. Why? Because I went on a LC Lauren Conrad bender the other day and was wearing practically only her line. They have yet to follow through with that so we’ll see.

Wedding Rehersal

Next up, wedding day! Of course not my wedding day like a few friends thought I meant on Insta. Apparently I’m the type of friend to get married and not invite anyone. 😉

I did my own hair and makeup so excuse me for not being supes fancy. Actually I was pretty proud on how it all came together. Shocked really….

Wedding makeup

As you can see, even with pretty makeup on I can’t make a serious face. Ignore the lighting in like every single one of my photos, I claim reception lighting for some of them and the rest just bad blogger skills 🙂

I found the absolute PERFECT lipstick the day before we left and I’m seriously in lipstick love. It’s a matte shade and didn’t wear or rub off all night. I did reapply maybe three times between the hours of noon and midnight but only because I wanted to, not because it was actually coming off. I highly recommend. Mabelline Matte Lust for Blush.

Wedding LC Dress

Here is my entire look. Again the lighting was dark so I tried my best to lighten it up and this is what we are left with….weird lighting….. Whatevs. I wore on of Lauren Conrad’s new dresses from her runway collection. It was absolutely perfect and I felt so beautiful all night long. If you wanna know what this dress looks like on a model instead, look here.  I got it on sale (plus 3 other LC dresses all under $20) so really it was a steal.

I had a friend take a few different photos of accessories, the back of my dress, shoes, etc but those are boring and I’d rather show you a few fun snaps from the reception.

Wedding Friends2

Remember Jesse? She wrote this post for me. She’s also one of the coolest people I know who lives in Seattle now…boo, but she’s so happy so I’m happy because that’s what good friends do.

Look here she is again! Also I cut JB out of this photo to my right because he wasn’t looking at the camera and was I guess moving at the time because his face if all blurry. Either that or he self-censors himself in order to not appear on my blog. It’s really not my fault I swear!

Wedding Friends

So there ya have it. We’re a classy bunch. 😉

Ok, ok, ya pulled it right out of me. Here’s a photo of me and JB. Cue the doves!

Wedding Kiss

It was really so so fun though. And I’m so happy for Mr. and Mrs. Lint (who are currently traipsing around Europe, specifically the Swiss Alps!)

Have you ever attended a wedding that you knew next to no one at?

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Back to The Office Style

After spending the summer as the Director of a summer camp my standard work attire consisted of tennis shoes and gym shorts. Deciding what to wear each morning was rough let me tell ya…..

However, with returning to a more normal job setting (at least part-time) comes a return to more normal work attire. As in, things that don’t contain sweat-wicking technology. While the idea of wearing leggings and tanks to work every day has its lure, I can attest to how you start to miss being able to actually dress up like an adult. I suppose this would only happen if you’re like me and love dressing up and getting all pretty to go to the office. I just love being a girl 🙂

Jord wooden watches

The people over at Jord watches contacted me awhile ago to review one of their watches and I had to say no due to my work schedule. So I’m happy that they were kind enough to wait until my schedule allowed for me to actually put the attention they deserved towards it. (Seriously, they were the nicest to work with!)

Unique Watch

They sent me over this beautiful Maple and Silver watch from their Cora Series. I’m very traditional and classic when it comes to my accessories. At least that’s the look I’m always going for, so you can tell me if I actually nailed it or not lol.

Jord Wooden watches

Jord watch

I love how seamlessly this watch fits in with any outfit I could possibly dream up. It’s beautiful without being too obnoxious or flashy. It works for some, not me. My style is more wall-flower preppy than anything. Think button downs and flats…possibly a cardigan or seven.

This watch fits right in, no?

Jord wooden watches

I seriously get compliments on this watch whenever I wear it (which is often). It usually goes something like this, “a wooden watch? How cool!” Then I get to brag about how awesome it is. Once I was even brave enough to bring up my blog, but that wasn’t awkward at all or anything…

I also suppose a good fashion blogger would tell you where she got all her clothes in the post. Let’s see, Target, Target, Target, and booties by LC Lauren Conrad. You’re welcome.

And now since this wouldn’t be my blog without a few fashion blooper photos to make sure you know I’ll never be a fashion blogger, enjoy 😉

Jord Blooper

This is to prove that I actually DO wear lipstick sometimes…..

Jord Blooper

I like to think this one makes me appear approachable and fun…I’m not, but the illusion is nice.

Jord watch

Being a Fashion Blogger is hard…..I think I’ll leave it to the pros 😉 I will never stop wearing this watch though, nor telling everyone about it.

Do you like watches? What do you think about this one?

**This is a sponsored post. I received the Jord wooden watch in exchange for this post, However all opinions are my own. 

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