Mother Nature Can Be kind of a D

Oh Hi there Mother Nature,

I see you’ve decided in all your vindictive fury to send down more snow upon us. Thank you for your infinite slap in the face. The gift that just keeps on giving. The guest who’s overstayed their welcome.

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May I just make one teeny tiny suggestion though?………Perhaps stay away from the South where no one and their grandmother knows how to deal with it?

I realize this is kind of forward of me, us being old pals and all. I really do enjoy the snow, you know that. I find a beautiful tranquility in it every time. So please don’t misunderstand me. It’s not you, it’s Kentucky.

Seriously, Kentucky, get with it! It’s called a snow plow and simply clearing the main roads does no one any good. Case in point….I spent 1.5 hours Tuesday digging out my car…with a broom because I couldn’t find any snow shovels. (Granted this one is a little on me for not owning my own snow shovel, but I’m not on trial here)


Look how promising those blue skies look!

However, digging one’s car out from under a mound of snow does no good when the rest of the parking lot is still buried under said mound of snow (10inches to be exact, my photos doesn’t do the depth justice) I don’t know about those tough New Englanders, but I for one do not have the stamina nor the desire to dig out the remaining 300 parking spot lot from my car to the exit…..

Then Mother Nature, in your most practical jokster way, found it fit to undo all my hard work with another 6 inches of snow…..You sure got me ya goof!


Anyone in the main office to talk to about this travesty? No of course not because they didn’t come in to work all week. Makes sense to me. I mean after all, if we can’t get out how can they get in? It’s actually rather logical.

I can’t really complain all that much, I know since I did get an entire week off. Well, I took Wednesday off even though campus was open b/c ain’t nobody gettin out of this parking lot! (also classes are for the birds, get me outta here Graduation!)

Le sigh……life is fun.

But seriously I really do enjoy the snow, and with a proper shovel I don’t even mind shoveling it. Remind me of this silly statement after a winter in New England…..I hope everyone is stayin safe out there and keepin warm. And if you’re not…well, may I suggest you make some nice warm chili or cookies? Works for me!

Who else has gotten some snow days this week?


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Linkin up with Little Friday

Thinking Out Loud: Sports Are Weird

Hello Friends and Welcome to Thursday!

It feels weird being here today b/c I normally post Wednesdays. But when work runs late and your bestie invites you last minute to a Kentucky Wildcat basketball game there’s really only one logical response. Go to the game duh, it’s Kentucky!

If you’re gonna watch basketball, you might as well watch the best, and there’s no denying that on the colleges scene, Kentucky is the best. Unless you’re a Louisville fan, but that’s just called denial so we forgive them.

UK Basketball

As Natalie and i were sitting there in the stands though she brought up a really good point….Sports are kinda weird…..

Which of course prompted this entire Thinking Out Loud post.

So, think about it….

  • Hundreds if not thousands of people pay excessive amounts of money to sit around arena style for a few hours watching complete strangers run around and sweat on each other. Also there’s lots of weird touching, in the stands and on the court. Home girl in front of me kept trying to use my knees as a backrest, then had the nerve to give Me the stink-eye like how dare I not allow this strange and awkward exchange between complete strangers…..

I won that battle in case you were wondering. I thought all the skinny thoughts and made my knees into the tiniest of points in which to drive home the point that we weren’t on that level….she wasn’t pleased. I was.

UK Basketball2


  • If Kentucky is a basketball school (which for those who don’t keep up with college sports they are….insert bad football joke here) why is their arena not nicer than any arena I’ve ever been in? Where does all that money go Kentucky? Oh duh, to pay Coach Cal’s bribe money…..

UK Basketball4

More importantly,

  • Why do men with beards tempt me so much with their manly prowess? I swear there was a player on the GA team (who Kentucky played last night and beat) who looked Just like Joe Manganiello from True Blood/Magic Mike/whatever the heck else he’s been in. I’m talkin a dead ringer…please and thank you 😉


  • Also is it weird to have a crush on a complete stranger whom I only saw over a jumbo-tron and is probably at least 4 years younger than me?…..

UK Basketball5

  • After being in both Kentucky’s arena and Tennessee’s arena I think we can all agree The Summit is far superior. As are their fans. Can the NCAA make a rule that says if you’s a boring fan the more excited fans from the nosebleeds can take your seat? B/c lame Kentucky…your fans are lame….(Vol for Life yo!)

So that was my excuse for skipping a post day. Not that i need one. This is my blog and I’ll post when I want to. It’s not my birthday so I’m not allowed to cry though….

Anyone else a college sports fan? Heck just sports in general and who’s your team?!?


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Linkin up with Thinking Out Loud, Little Friday, & Fan Friday

Winter Came to Kentucky

Happy Monday Folks, and boy what a Monday it is!

We got snow over the weekend here in Kentucky and I couldn’t be happier 😀

It’s taken me a long time to appreciate the snow. I used to be a Debbie Downer like everyone else when the white flakes started a’comin down. But as I’ve gotten older (and learned to drive in it better) I’ve realized how much I really do love it.

I mean look at that gorgeous sky post snow!

Kentucky Winter

I had to work Saturday morning so I got up extra early to take advantage of the fresh snow sans foot prints, and boy it did Not disappoint!

I haveta preface this next photo however, b/c it looks like I’m endangering everyone on the road and while that’s still a viable argument I realize, the light turned green right as I snapped the photo. God gave me enough brains to know to not have my phone out while actually driving. I even let the man across the street turn in front of me before I gently pressed the gas to accelerate at a safe speed…Good Samaritan status right there….

Kentucky Winter

Major props to the UK grounds crew for keeping the sidewalks salted even on a weekend. Of course there was some big ROTC gun flinging contest involving rival schools so I’m sure that’s the reason and not me working the gym. Either way I thank you.

Kentucky Winter4

Now this next guy was a interesting find…..I’m assuming it represents some sort of tender embrace for incoming students since it’s right by the freshman dorms. However, I’m not too sure how comforting a cold steel hug would be so I’m not entirely sure. On second thought it kinda looks like it’s doing the Macarena!

Kentucky Snow

Sunday was perhaps even more fun since I didn’t have to work. Some friend and I got together for some yoga. We’ve all been practicing out inversions so that was the task at hand. I finally nailed crow pose but side crow still eludes me. Headstands still scare me but I got into one a few times before I chickened out.

Then b/c we’re girls and taking pictures is life, we headed outside to have some fun. The result was pretty epic….

Snow Yoga

Snow Yoga

Snow Yoga2

How beautiful is my friend Natalie!! She’s clearly better then me as the next photo can attest, but that’s not what yoga is about people. I really love how the reflection from the creek turned out. I felt all artistic and cool taking these photos 😀

Snow Yoga

Balance and flexibility have never been my “thing” which is one reason yoga is so difficult for me. But I love it and even if I do think about my to-do list or what I’m gonna eat for lunch instead of clearing my mind, I still feel a sense of calm and peace. Plus a real badass when I land an awesome pose!

How was your weekend? Any snow for you?



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Linkin up with Weekending & MIMM

The Survival Guide to No Cell Service

Happy MLK Day!

I’m actually not sure if today is the kind of holiday you wish people well or if I should have started this post out with a somber hello of respect….or possibly not posted today at all….Not quite sure what the etiquette is on that so we’re pushin on like it’s a normal (but still very respected) Monday.

I would say I got plenty of sympathy messages about my past week living with no cell service, but I had no cell service to receive said messages so I’m sure they just got lost in the atmosphere or however cellphones work b/c I know everyone was extremely worried about me. The most frustrating part was I wasn’t even in the middle of nowhere. Bowling freakin Green, Kentucky has a University for crying out loud! And a Wal-Mart! While institutions of higher education may set up shop in the backcountry, Wal-Marts do not.

I’ve been told that Kentucky is AT&T country but that’s dumb b/c I know Verizon has a more filled in U.S. map with 5x more coverage so what do they know. “They” apparently know that KY actually IS AT&T country and Verizon is a big fat red dot liar!

No Service Survival Guide

Before we get going can we just acknowledge that my lock screen contains the face of an angel? I didn’t mind checking my phone for service every 15 seconds just to see those dimples…….

Since I am the only survivor of the terrible No Cell Service Crisis of 2015 I’ve written a little guide, since that’s what survivors of things do….write books…. So the next time you find yourself with no cell service for three days in the modern world (not by choice of course) you can refer to my quick guide. Actually no cell service means no data usage so you should probably print this off for the most certain and imminent occasion that this will happen to you….

1. Panic.

This is most certainly Armageddon and you weren’t taken by the Rapture you naughty thing you and the Zombies are coming for you.

2. Run.

This step is only if you see a Zombie. If no Zombies are in sight yet then you’re still safe at the moment and can continue to #3.

3. Commence Denial.

This is a very handy emotional blanket in the event of seeing the number on the scale, no one liking your instagram photos, and being single in your 20’s . Or in this case having on cell service. It’s 2015 Kentucky, get your head out of the Antebellum Age and get some more cell towers in your “major” cities. (*Note: Bowling Green is actually only the third largest city in KY (true fact) but considering the horses out number all residents of the state anyway this isn’t saying much) (**Second Note: I made up that last stat)

[Tweet “How to Survive with No Cell Service #yesthisreallyhappens”]

4. Receive a Sore Thumb.

From checking your phone so often of course. Seriously I think I sprained it from clicking the home button to light up the screen so often! This might be the Universe’s way of telling to start lifting again, but gosh darn it cardio is just way more fun! (I realize most people do Not find cardio all that fun but I find it much more engaging then picking things up and putting them back down. It’s seems rather counter-intuitive to me, call me crazy)

5. Resign to Your Misfortune.

You my friend must have really offended the Big Guy upstairs because I’m pretty sure that’s how cell service works. On the off-chance that you still have internet privileges be sure to send an email letting your Mother know you’re ok. She’s probably the only one who’s going to notice your fall from the face of the planet anyway so it’s just the polite thing to do. If you have no internet either then settle on in for the long haul, someone will come looking for you after you’ve been missing for 24-hrs or you start to smell, but that last one may be for a dead body….I’m getting my CSI episodes mixed up….

Obviously I jest, not having cell phone service for three days, while frustrating and inconvenient, isn’t the worst thing that could ever happen. It could have been Four! Gasp!

Has anything like this even happened to you?


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Linkin up with Weekending, Two for Tuesdays, & MIMM

Marvelous Monday Weekending

Happy Monday everyone!

Can I be real honest with y’all for a second?

I really hate writing recaps…like a lot. Maybe it’s because I can’t imagine anyone wanting to actually read about what I did over the weekend…..

Like, Hi, my name is Kelsey and I did nothing this weekend. The End.

See you just read my entire recap. It’s over, finished, finite!….But wait!


This past weekend was very different from my norm. My Mother and one of my older brothers came to visit me, which actually means I did something. Sorry library books and Netflix. (then I wonder why I’m single jeez)

I worked pretty much all day Friday until late but we managed to meet up for lunch at my fave Tom & Chee. (heads up, all they serve are variations of grilled cheese…..Need I say more 🙂 ) Then ice cream after work…..WARNING there was lots of food harmed consumed in the making of this post….

Saturday we went to Shaker Village and went on a historical journey. It was the perfect Fall weather and I actually put on real clothes so it was another win…for everyone really…

Shaker Village Lexington, KY

Of course it was unanimously decided that I make a straw bonnet look good, but alas, I didn’t leave with one….

Shaker Village Straw Bonnet

After the Village my Mom and I did a little shopping and I finally found a puffy vest that I liked (Old Navy folks). I also picked up a few new flannels so I can officially get my Basic White Girl on this Fall!

Sunday Funday we spent the morning at the Farmers Market and I was extremely elated that there was kettle corn…because like, kettle corn is life……Oh and I of course wore some of my new clothes because when I say I rarely put on real clothes I’m not exaggerating in the slightest…..

Before you go, I’m holdin the Blog Baton on Instagram today so be sure to pop on over and follow along…..then Follow me as well because….well because.

How was your weekend??


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Linkin up with MIMM and Weekending

Delusions and Other Confessions

Happy Hump Day Folks.

If it feels like October is half way over and you’re still recovering from it being August and school started then welcome to my current state of mind. Seriously Father Time, I need a minute or two to catch up, k?

Today I’m linkin up with both Kathy for Confessions and Taylor and Helene for Blogtober. First b/c confessions are cathartic and amazing and Two because I love quotes (today’s prompt and sort of a confession….kinda)

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Does anyone else create fictional stories in their head that might happen and how you’d react? Like, cute boy bumps into you and you say something witty and he instantly falls in love with you and you’re all I’m too cool for school?…..Just me?…I mean like full-on write the entire script for this delusional and very fake scenario and you always come up cool as a cucumber but if it actually happened in real life you’d be a bumbling fool?

Ok fine, just my life….

Here’s a good one for you…..does anyone else always find the biggest puddles and step in them? And I don’t mean on purpose b/c you’re a free spirit and you love Mother Nature and embracing spontanaity, I mean on accident when you happen to be wearing white shoes on the way to work……Every.Day…

The puddles of Lexington seriously have it out for me…

Quote time. I’m a quote person though so picking just one was really hard. I’ve always liked words so I pay close attention to quotes and lyrics. Perhaps it’s because when that fictional cute boy from above bumps into me I never have a witty comment in response….whatever…I’m beautiful on the inside.

Dr. Suess is a good go-to in a situation like this, so without further ado


I’m that annoying girl that is always lookin on the bright-side, finding that silver lining, and making the best of things (making my bout with depression that much more shocking). I’m actually a terrible person to complain to b/c out of the 70 bad things you tell me I really only hear the half a good one.

For some reason this also leads lots of people to complain to me to find that half a good thing…..Hmmmm, maybe I need to re-think my life strategy…..

How it’s your turn. What’s one confession from this week so far?

Next, b/c I’m a quote whore (that’s a thing) I wanna hear one of YOUR favorite quotes!


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Linkin up with Blogtober & Confessions

Real or Prank? Convincing Mother Nature to Let Spring Stay.

Happy Marvelous Monday all you wonderful people out there 😀 First of all thank you for all the birthday wishes the other day. There better have been some donuts and cupcakes consumed in my honor that’s all I’m saying. 😉 In case you missed it, it was my 1 year Anniversary of starting B-SoL (no sorry, still havent’ come up with a better nickname) I designed a free background for your laptop, iphone, or ipad just for you so be sure to check it out!

This week is gonna be great, wanna know why? My  little sister is staying the week with me, YAY! Nothin is better than a bit of sister time….except sister time spent eating really good food. That probably tops the charts for me. Ironically we’ve got some fun stuff planned, mostly revolving around food…funny how that always works out.

My life is generally always marvelous (insert not-so-humble brag here) but today I wanted to share some reasons it’d be nice if Mother Nature didn’t take away Spring and turn it back into Winter like a cruel Cinderella-at-midnight prank. (forecast says snow on tuesday 😦 )


Reason 1: Birds are singing again. Nothing says Spring to me more then the Sun shining and the birds chirping. Although if anyone has ever seen Failure to Launch then you know birds outside your bedroom window are just plain annoying. The past few days some bird has been whistling the Hunger Games tune at me at 6am nonstop for an hour. I’m not sure if waking up about to be attacked by a small and ruthless child or starting a rebellion against a capitol of very strangely dressed ppl….so maybe singing birds aren’t a good reason…

Reason 2: Flowers! Everyone loves flowers right? They’re so pretty and smell so good. However, if you’ve ever strolled across the UK campus there’s these trees that look like the embodiment of Spring but smell like a Dinosaur’s butt-hole. For anyone that can’t imagine what that smells like, just know it’ll make you gag and quite possibly lose your breakfast on your way to your Health Communications class every Tuesday and Thursday at 10 o’clock…..


Don’t let the smiles fool you…we smell pretty bad….KIDDING! We’re adorable 🙂

Reason 3: Warmer weather. Who doesn’t love warm weather? Polar Bears, but I don’t see no polar bears around these parts so everyone…everyone is the answer to that question. Of course having it so hot outside makes ppl sweat, which makes ppl smell bad. And it’s never any fun having to sit in a chair that someone has been sweating profusely in prior to your perky buns claiming it….trust me, it’s just not…(shudder)….

Ummm….so maybe those aren’t the best of reasons to convince Spring to stay? We can all admit that we’re ready for the Winter blues to go away though, am I right? So pretty please Mother Nature, don’t take this away from us again 😦

Clearly she’s gonna take some convincing (and I’m not very good at it) so what are some of y’alls reasons for Spring to stay?



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Run the Bluegrass Half Marathon Recap

Well I’m alive so that’s good news!! I’m so happy to announce that I survived the Run the Bluegrass Half at Keeneland 😀 That alone is Marvelous in and of itself! And though I realize I’m not as ridiculously good looking as this guy, I think this snapshot turned out pretty epic.

Run the Bluegrass Recap

Actually this was probably by far the most miserable race of my life so therefore my proudest race! There may or may not have been tears shed when I saw the finish line…….just saying.  It alternated between raining, spitting, and straight up pouring the entire 13.1 miles. Needless to say by the end I was soaked to the bone and didn’t warm up until after a 45min hot shower, 2 hot meals, cuddling with my sister and watching movies for a few hours, and hittin the hay by 9pm. A pretty productive day I’d say 😉

Let me back up to the beginning though. Thankfully I took the course tour the day before so snapped some pics for y’all. It really is a beautiful course, but you wouldn’t have known it running Saturday 😦 Alas, I didn’t even see some of the beautiful barns from squinting against the rain. And of course no baby horses for me to coo at.

Keeneland Run the Bluegrass half marathon

Like I said pretty right? Moving on…..It was also the biggest race I had ever run in with actual corrals and waves of runners. I know that’s kinda sad for a someone who has been racing for years but hey, smaller races are not only cheaper but allow me to occasionally win my age-group. I was of course in one of the later waves (unlike Ms. KelsieLou who woulda been at the front had she been here) but there were still at least 2000 ppl behind me (4500-ish total running!!!) I’m thinking this one is perfect for Mar to come visit me for next year, thoughts? (don’t worry girl I’m still lookin)

Run the Bluegrass Half Marathon

Still dry and happy at this point…aka the starting line

It was basically shoulder to shoulder the entire course which was nice. I even made a few friends along the way! Of course they were all from out of state so I guess that won’t really translate to my whole “no runner friends” dilemma. Oh well, maybe this summer up in Boston I’ll be brave enough to join a run club (just don’t hold your breathe).

Now I did finish in my goal time and considering the brutal hills this course claims I was kinda surprised. It that bad? I mean I’m pretty much my own biggest fan (I’m awesome and I know it, whatever) and even I didn’t think I could finish in 2:30. But I did and there was nothing sweeter then gettin this bad boy placed around my neck 😀

Half Marathon Finishers Medal

I look brunette, that’s how you know I was soaked haha

But let me break it down for you. I finished in 1885th place with 666 runners behind me plus the 397 people that didn’t even run. (yes I’m counting them as behind me). Placing 91st in my age category. If I was a year older though, bumping me to the next age division, I would have placed 29th…and yes I counted. Bring it on 25, I’m ready for ya lol.

Anyway, afterwards was spent shivering for approximately the next 8hrs. That cold set down deep in my bones and didn’t wanna let it’s icy grip go. Not one to let this hinder me, I rewarded my empty tummy with a giant burger, fries, and later a DQ blizzard (probably not the best choice when you’re freezing, but I like to live my life on the edge 🙂 )

The following morning I also indulged in a Sunday brunch with my family. As you can see below I was still famished. Table manners weren’t exactly high on my to-do list……Can we just agree that the best part of running is the eating afterwards part. No? Just me? Ok….

Giant Omelette Recovery Meal

I just realized this post has the most pictures of me then ever before. I normally have pictures of other stuff so sorry for bombarding you with my face, jeez lol.

Anyone else race this weekend? Or ever had a rainy miserable race?

Also don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and give my little Facebook page a like if you haven’t already:) Thanks in advance!!


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Don’t forget to hope over to Katie and see what else is Marvelous in Blogland

Run the Bluegrass Race Expo

As you’re reading this I’ll be running in the Run the Bluegrass Half Marathon through the beautiful horse country of Lexington, KY! Also can we have a moment of silence for my TN Volunteers, who fought valiantly but lost to Michigan last night 😦



Now can we celebrate the fact that Kentucky won last night ?!?!?! Whoo Wildcats!

Ok, down to business. I hit up the race expo Friday afternoon to pick up my race packet as well as take a bus tour of the course.

Run the Blugerass Half Marathon

First of all, I started with a pre-pre race meal of Tom&Chee. Aka grilled cheese from the Heavens Mmmmm…..I am that girl that will go to a normal restaurant and order the grilled cheese. It’s the simple things in life right.

Tom & Chee Grilled Cheese

Second of all, if you ever have the opportunity to take a tour of the course you’re gonna run, DO IT!! Seriously do it! Everyone has been telling me about the tortorous hills that makes up most of this race and I’ve been slightly freaking out on the inside. BUT after the bus tour I realized that those ppl that have been telling me horror stories probably haven’t grown up running in TN and KY most of their life and aren’t used to the terrain. Or I’m just a dummy. Either way, I feel so much better about the course.

Also after the tour they gave out bourbon balls. Who can be nervous after getting free chocolate? Not this girl 😀

Kentucky Bourbon Balls

Honestly I’m not much of an expo girl. I never buy anything and I’d rather just skip the whole thing. That being said the volunteers and race vendors were wonderful and it was never super crowded either. There’s about 4500 runners in this race so I was really worried it’d be shoulder to shoulder but that wasn’t the case at all. I mainly just walked through to get my race stuff so I don’t have much else of an opinion on the expo.

The shirts are beautiful and I got a glimpse of the medals which are true to advertising. Literally the most beautiful medal I will own afterwards. (though shout-out to the Bourbon Chase for having really cool medals too. Must be a KY thing?)

So hopefully I’ll have good news to report come Monday morning with my race recap. As long as I didn’t collapse in a ditch from exhaustion or get so soaked full of water I burst, I’ll count it as a success 🙂 #backofthepack for the win!

Anyone else racing this weekend?



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Oreo Pudding Cookies

I know the saying goes “April showers bring May flowers” but is there anything about March being a bratty you-know-what? I mean I’m not gonna complain about school/work being canceled but the giant ice storm that rolled in last night? We just can’t catch a break!

It’s a fact that being stuck inside alone all day can make a person go crazy (as if that hasn’t happened already). And other then talking aloud to myself, what better way to combat the craziness then with cookies! I made these the other day with one of my besties but y’all get to enjoy them for the first time today. I’d say we hit it out of the park with these, but you’ll haveta make them for yourself to see.


I got the original recipe here, but my local Kroger wasn’t cooperating so my ingredients were a tad bit different. They turned out divine however and they will for sure be gracing my tastebuds with their presence again. They’re super simple to put together and best right out of the oven of course, though they do store well too.


I added the M&M’s as a wishful thinking, ready for Spring type deal, but obviously Mother Nature wasn’t impressed…..sigh… Oh and that 10 mile run I was supposed to do today? Eating 10 cookies is definitely the same thing. They both take dedication and persistence, so I feel pretty good about it. Marathon cookie-eating training is the best!

Oreo Pudding Cookies

  • 1 cup butter softened
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar (I used turbino sugar)
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1 package  Hershey’s white chocolate pudding mix
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 1/4 cups flour (I used 2 cups wheat and 1/4 white)
  • 1 tsp baking soda and salt each
  • 10 chopped (or smashed) Oreos
  • 1/2 cup Easter M&Ms to make them pretty


Preheat oven to 350 then mix ingredients in the order listed. Cream butter and sugars together, add pudding mix, etc stirring together as you go. Bake for 7-9 minutes or until done. Ours baked for almost 15min each but come to discover afterwards we had 2 pans , one inside the other lol. We’re smart I promise! Just a bit preoccupied with girl-talk to notice much else around us haha.

Alright I hope y’all aren’t stuck inside alone like I am today. But if you are either go make these cookies and send me some, or just talk to me so I don’t go crazy talking to myself. Both are very acceptable behaviors 🙂

Oh and a very Happy March to y’all! (where is the time going???)



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